The Legend of Prince Valiant
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The Legend of Prince Valiant

USA:30 min (26 episodes) | USA:22 min
Animation | Adventure | Fantasy
IMDB rate:
2 wins
Country: USA
Release Date: 1991-09-03
Paige O'Hara
Paige O'Hara
The Legend of Prince Valiant
Robby Benson
Prince Valiant
Michael Horton
Noelle North
Alan Oppenheimer
Efrem Zimbalist Jr.
King Arthur
Samantha Eggar
Queen Guinevere
James Avery
Sir Bryant
Tim Curry
Sir Gawain
Dorian Harewood
Sir Bryant
Did you know?
Rowanne, Sir Bryant, and Denys are all completely original characters, but each could be interpreted as having at least a few similarities to ones in Hal Foster's comic strip. In the comic, Valiant and Arn both love Ilene, while in this show they are both shown to have feelings for Rowanne (albeit the situation that has the two reflecting on what this means for them while this is true is temporary). Though not a Moor, Sir Tristram is one of the earliest friends made by Valiant and often seen with him and Sir Gawain, very much like Bryant. Although not related to anyone noteworthy as Denys was, Geoffrey also found himself free from a cruel home situation, fell in with Valiant, and became the most-developed of all his squires.
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Arn was the name of two characters from Hal Foster's comic strip. The first was the prince of Ord, Valiant's rival for Ilene's love, who gave him the Singing Sword during the pair's attempted rescue of her and who become his friend (and, later, his firstborn's godfather) after they learned that Ilene had died. The second was Valiant's first child and namesake of the first. Arn was also Foster's original choice for the strip's protagonist's name since it would have been a common Norse name at the time of the setting he was writing in, but the members of the strip's publishing syndicate agreed that Valiant sounded better for the hero.
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Photos from cast
Linda Gary Paige O'Hara
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