Im weißen Rössl - Wehe Du singst!
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Im weißen Rössl - Wehe Du singst!

Comedy | Musical | Romance
IMDB rate:
Christian Theede
2 nominations
Country: Germany
Release Date: 2013-11-07
Filming Locations: St. Gilgen, Salzburg, Austria
Diana Amft
Ottilie Giesecke
Gregor Bloéb
Sigismund Sülzheimer
Julia Cencig
Florian Feik
Aykut Kayacik
Tobias Licht
Dr. Otto Siedler
Edita Malovcic
Jana Reinermann
Armin Rohde
Ben Ruedinger
Christian Weinberger
Dynamit Charlie
Sarah Wiener
Did you know?
When Leopold, played by Fritz Karl, is standing in the ''White Horse Inn'' and says ''The waiter is a human being'', a portrait of Peter Alexander is hanging next to him. Peter Alexander was playing the same character of Leopold Brandmeyer in the 1960-adaptation of the ''White Horse Inn'', which is also set in modern times.
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The building that was used as "The White Horse Inn" is the former Brewery pub "Lueg", which is exactly on the other side of the Lake Wolfgangsee, where the actual "White Horse Inn".
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The name of the ship that brings the guests to the "White Horse Inn" at the beginning of the movie is called "Kaiserin Elisabeth (Empress Elisabeth)", named after the Empress Elisabeth of Austria-Hungary, more known as Sissi. She was the wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I, who was an actual character in the original operetta, in which he is visiting the "White Horse Inn"
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When Ottilie first arrives in Salzkammergut and hears the children choir is singing, most of the children don't move their mouth, while their singing can be heard.
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When Ottilie dreams herself in the clouds she sees Otto Siedler far away flying. In the next shot from another angle he is right in front of her.
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When Sigismund Sülzheimer dances at the Alm, a flag of the Austrian state Salzburg is hanging in the wind. Very unlikely for an Alm, which supposed to be in Salzkammergut, a region in the neighbor state Higher Austria, where the movie is set.
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Ottilie Giesecke: Why are you worried? Yesterday you said no to me, cristal clear.
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Leopold: Sülzheimer has lied to you. He wants to blow up "The White Horse Inn"
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Dr. Otto Siedler: Your nasal wings flatter my fingers tips. Both are elegantly curved, like tiny Olympic trails.
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Photos from cast
Fritz Karl
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